Moorish Science Temple of America
Home Office: 3603 Indiana Avenue
Noble Drew Ali, Founder
Chicago, Ill. Jan. 18, 1929
Dear Brother: ISLAM.
I have notified all these things to you long ago in the past. It is through the faithful Moors that contribute to the Movement and Uplifting Funds. The ones that paid their divine respect to me and the Movement will be remembered. That is why I’m calling upon all faithful Moors to increase their faithfulness to me your Prophet and your Divine Moorish Movement. I need FINANCE and I need it bad. Never before have I needed finance as badly as I do at present, that I may shove aside the discord that is facing the Nation. It all comes through jealousy because of my “fame and nobility”.
The Nations of the world will not recognize the Movement without me the Prophet being the head. It has been proven by my work in which I have performed in the last few months, because I was at the Governor’s Inauguration to represent the Moorish Divine and National Movement, and I will be at the Inauguration of President Hoover for the same cause.
—Noble Drew Ali